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SC GT (beta)

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Rudi De Vos
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SC GT (beta)

Post by Rudi De Vos »

For dummies
One single exe. ( contain server and viewer)
1) copy exe to both pc
2) enter gmail account and password ( need to be the same on both sites)
3) wait until support led is green
4) The person who want to share his desktop press "show desktop"


For the experts.
-The exe is a 7zip archieve.
-Text, background, logo ,icon can be customized.
-The server is the SC ( update august 2009)
-The viewer is the standard ultravnc 1065 viewer
-The Google Talk component is the nat2nat ( [post=61784][/post]) component modified for SC.
-Encryption is buildin DH key exchange
-socket comperssion is used ( the compression is adaptive, if data is already good compressed by vnc, it disable himself)
-Size is bigger ( 1MB) , archieve contain server and viewer

(What's the start time doing in the title)
When server and viewer run on the same pc, the title need to be different.
Adding the time insure it's different.

server connect to GT using port 9999
GT connect to viewer using port 5500

changes are in red
*localhost:9999 required for GT
*[GTALKACCOUNT] this preset the account, input box is removed if set.
User only need to enter the password
*[GTALKSUPPORTACCOUNT] this allow the user and support account to be different. You can use a different account on viewer and server site,
on the server site you put it in the helpdesk.txt
The # in front need to be removed, i used it to disable an option.

Technical Support - Desktop Sharing
Technical Support
-connect localhost:9999 -noregistry

UltraVnc SC GT server v1.1
UltraVnc Team 2009

Enter Gmail account credentials
Remote Desktop Server
More Info

Establishing connection ...
5 min try period
If it fails, the software will remove himself
from your system.
Connection active.
Warning, your desktop is remote visable
You can break the connection any time
by using the close button

signed In
Support Online
Encrypted Tunnel active
sign In
Sign Out
Show Desktp

Last edited by Rudi De Vos on 2009-09-02 21:51, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by Emdy »

file: uvnc_SC_GT.exe (i renamed it to uvnc_SC_GT_s-aug-2k9_v-1065.exe).
md5 hash: 9AAA3D8B90AC051C653A34E1EA4B01CB.

includes vnchooks.dll, schook.dll along with other files.

and passes direct McAfee Enterprise Ant-Virus Scan.


EXCELLENT, extra ordinary work, Rudi.

im off to testing it
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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by Emdy »

... works like rudi magic.

If there is no 3rd party firewall installed or disabled temporarily, and Windows Firewall is also disabled temporarily, then everything happens super smooth.

my review:
vnchooks.dll, schooks.dll passses McAfee Enterprise Anti-Virus guard+scan, on Vista, and on XP,
but 'vnchooks.dll' causes extra warnings from firewall softwares, when it tries to create hook, i guess.

'uvnc_SC_GT.exe' after running, decompresses the 'UltraVnc_GT.exe' (uvGT), which after connecting to gmail, tries to do local connection on local net with their local IPs for computers 1st (uses icmp, UDP packets as well).
but since i had restriction rules placed on such local connections,
so sc-gt tries to use the external internet ip to connect back to local computers, and connects.

it connects to google at port 5222, 80 and then also tries port 19302, 19295, 19294, etc.

it connects by usin my external internet ip, with random port (at different time) to the computer that is running this.

like Rudi said, uvnc srvr connects to uvGT using port 9999, and uvGT connects to uvnc viewer using port 5500.

on Vista, the UAC ( the :yell: Univeral Annoying Champion :evil: ) didnt appear, it was executed from Admin account.

on Vista, a message from 'Windows Firewall' popped up and asked for user's permission to allow it, which i did allow, and 3rd party firewall also asked for permission on each component (uvnc srvr, viewer, uvGT, vnchook) when it ran.

uvGT on XP, once gave some warning about Vista's UAC ! i guess.

on Vista, crashed once, then uvnc viewer was still running, had to exit/close it.

on XP, after 'close', uvnc viewer was still running !

tried to make the same PC, a server once & then a viewer once, so that must have caused such remaining running instances, or a bug?

in neither case, the LED of encrypted tunnel, was not ON, was that bcuz i used same gmail on both side ?

each of this PC had its own Anti-Virus, Firewall installed. One is XP+SP3, another is Vista+SP2. both behind Wireless Router (NAT), DSL (with dynamic internet IP).

I felt its bit faster, than SC srvr & uvnc-Viewer connected via/through 'reflector' solution. Though initially cursor+screen Refresh response was slower, it picked up few moments later.

~ Emdy . 09-02-2009 . 5:08 PM . PST. UTC-08:00 .
Last edited by Emdy on 2009-09-03 04:54, edited 8 times in total.
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by Rudi De Vos »

for uac and vista
to helpdesk.txt

This temporal disable the uac prompt for admin account.
You still have one popup.... to disable it, but after that all
system apps can be opened without uac intervention.
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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by twagner »

Hallo Rudi,

a really good solution. :-)

-it works veeeeeeeery slow (hextile-encoding with full colors, do you want this???)
-it works only on admin-accounts (is it possible to use the real, full UVNC winvnc.exe with ultravnc.ini?)
-the sc (winvnc.exe with 244 kb) is not really new (1.0.0 RC 20.3 - build in 2006???) shown build date 26.08.2009
-the helpdesk.txt-file could not deleted/moved/changed easy by the 7-Zip Manager
-gmail account could set, why not the password for the account??? (sending to a friend, starting the file and be happy :-))
-vncviewer in listen mode must be finished manually, not so practical


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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by Rudi De Vos »

-The gtalk engine has a speed drop, but you need to compare it with a solution where all data is redirected by the repeater.
-buildin 256bit encryption doesn't make it faster.

Only admin accounts ? please explain, technical i don't see any reason why it shouldn't work for a standard user. OS ?

The SC used is the old 1.0.0 with updates for vista (aug 2009).

This version only works with the provided SC exe.

Next update wil also work with ultravnc/realvnc/tightvnc full servers.
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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by twagner »

hi rudi,

thanks for your fast answer.
I work with win XP Prof. SP3 in user mode, and if i start your gt-file my os told that i `v not the permission to start the programm.
After changing from normal user mode to admin user mode it works fine.

How can i fix the gmail account and password and change the helpdesk.txt?


Die Welt geht Remote . . . . / the World goes remote . . . .
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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by Rudi De Vos »

You need to extract the archieve to a folder to make changes to helpdesk.txt and recreate an sfx.

To test your changes, you can start UltraVnc_GT.exe in that folder.
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Signing corrected, all should run now direct from the browser without the need to save it first.
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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by Emdy »

when recreating sfx , what commands/comments need to be added and how ?
forgot to mention/correct ... the viewer is v1.0.6.4
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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by Rudi De Vos »

I will add a subdir to the exe that contain the files used to generate
the sfx. This will make it a little bigger, but 100k difference wil not make the difference for 1mb.

Let you know when done.
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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by mortenchristensen »

I have tried sc_gt with 2 pc's on my own lan. System is really promissing, but the speed was too slow.

My internet-line is 5 MB download and 700 K upload. Can it be configured to improve speed ?

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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by mortenchristensen »

A little improvement.

The text-field-order is not logically. When started, the cursor should default to the username and after Tab the next field should be the password and not Sign-in or Close.

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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by anthrax79 »

I have created a gmail account specifically for use with this program. I would like the option to supply the gtalk account password as well. The end user would then only have to press "Sign On".

Perhaps the hashed version password could be created to insert in to the helpdesk.txt file. Something like what the PcHelpWare uses in it's helpdesk file.

Also, I second the motion on fixing the Tab order for the fields and buttons.

Thanks for a great program!!
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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by anthrax79 »

I am have numerous problems with the program closing on my Vista machine. I am running Vista Ultimate SP1. It stays up fine on My XP Pro machine. On the vista machine I can launch the program and sign on, but when the remote machine connects and pressed the share desktop button, the local program on my vista machine either disconnects or just closes.

Also about every third time (really random) when press the sign on button on my vista machine the program gets trapped by DEP and fails.

Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?
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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by mudslag »

I currently use Teamviewer to help out the people in my company, Im the tech guy but have no formal training so Im still pretty noobish with this. We all work from home and a lot of these people have zero computer skills, hence the reason I use teamviewer for its easy. Teamviewer tends to lock up from time to time so I gave this option a try but it runs slower then TV. Id like to give this a try but another issue is I cant access other monitors on the remote pcs. So is there anyway to see the other monitors if needed and maybe speed it up a little?

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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by mudslag »

Did this stop working for some reason? Im no longer able to log into it.
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Re: SC GT (beta)

Post by Rat »

This thing is potentially really useful to me!

Is there a source code repository somewhere?

I'd like to spend the Christmas break trying to get rid of as many bugs as I can to help speed up its development.
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XP Bug List

Post by Rat »

Bug List:
1. If you Click "Sign In" without any password entered, the next time you try it an exception will thrown by the application

2. Doesn't seem to want to work at all under Vista, (just crashes at the Remote end)

3. Doesn't terminate VNC Viewer after session ended.

4. After a while on XP it just hangs

Note: All testing except for Item 2. done using local LAN with two XP machines.
Last edited by Rat on 2009-12-21 12:53, edited 1 time in total.
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