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Win 7 and taskbar

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Win 7 and taskbar

Post by amsgomes »

I´ve been using ultra vnc in Windows 7 64 bits, and now with this last stable version I noticed a strange bug.

After I have more than one instance of VB, if I minimize all of them, I cannot maximize then anymore. The taskbar has the VB windows grouped, but clicking with right mouse button, the menu to choose which vb instance to maximize does not appears, however if put the mouse just above, as if the menu was there without seeing anything, you access the options. It´s a weird behavior. A safe method to access the VB instance is sending control+alt+del and open the task manager and double click the VB instance.

This weird behavior only happens when connecting remotely with uvnc.

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Rudi De Vos
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Re: Win 7 and taskbar

Post by Rudi De Vos »

If you are not using aero, alphablending (server option) is needed to see semi transparent windows.
Ik could be that it is needed to view it.
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