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Beta 1002

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Re: Beta 1002

Post by VigilantDMS »

I have installed everything as far as I can see following the instructions. However with the right button I don' t get the menu with password en P2P. There must be some connection because the viewer see the other computer.

What is going wrong

Can you skip those nasty questions
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: Beta 1002

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Do you see the icon ?
You get the menu if you click on the name...

Did you entered some names/password during setup
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Re: Beta 1002

Post by neoprog »


I have try you software and i can't connectet it stay on the satage inizialiation !
How can i a make logs ?

I'm looking for a software like TeamViewer but free and whit my onw server.
I think your software almost do this but it still bloked by some FW.

Is there a way to implement a repeater on the server ?

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Re: Beta 1002

Post by dgwinnup »

Rudy...with regards to the signing for the light client...can the exe be deployed with no signing rather than an invalid cert?

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Re: Beta 1002

Post by Noli »

When run the customer side program in a XP SP3 at "77% extracting" it crashes. When tested on the same PC as the viewer it open OK (Windows 7 64).

Error information:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<MATCHING_FILE NAME="pchelpwareV2.exe" SIZE="2720504" CHECKSUM="0x3825120C" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="" FILE_DESCRIPTION="PcHelpwareV2 Server" COMPANY_NAME="uvnc bvba" PRODUCT_NAME="PcHelpwareV2 Server" FILE_VERSION="" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="PcHelpwareV2.exe" INTERNAL_NAME="PcHelpwareV2 Server" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright (C) 2011 uvnc bvba" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x29BA77" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="01/12/2012 19:37:20" UPTO_LINK_DATE="01/12/2012 19:37:20" VER_LANGUAGE="Inglés (Estados Unidos) [0x409]" />
<MATCHING_FILE NAME="kernel32.dll" SIZE="1042944" CHECKSUM="0x8B19B2F6" BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.5781" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.5781" PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.5781" FILE_DESCRIPTION="DLL de cliente API BASE de Windows NT" COMPANY_NAME="Microsoft Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="Sistema operativo Microsoft® Windows®" FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.5781 (xpsp_sp3_gdr.090321-1317)" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="kernel32" INTERNAL_NAME="kernel32" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Reservados todos los derechos." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x101E85" LINKER_VERSION="0x50001" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.5781" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.5781" LINK_DATE="03/21/2009 14:08:18" UPTO_LINK_DATE="03/21/2009 14:08:18" VER_LANGUAGE="Español (alfabetización internacional) [0xc0a]" />

Please advise.

Manuel Moguilevsky
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Yahoo Messenger: manuel_moguilevsky
Skype: manuel_moguilevsky
Buenos Aires - Argentina

Tel: +54 9 11 4444-6455
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Re: Beta 1002

Post by DennisvanderLinde »

Hey guys!

I want to know a few things
My situation: Made a SC in pchelware v2 and its working on lan, externally not. So;
1. is there need to open a port at a side of viewer or the person who opens single click?
2. Can i make an own acces server? If yes, can i get the download link for the software.
3. Can i get an lower resolution or bitrate? our internet connection isn't so well so it very slow if we have connection (LAN)

Thank u very much for this software!
Hope to hear from you guys asap.

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Re: Beta 1002

Post by parrish »

So far, from my very limited testing, I have a few suggestions and a bug.

The first is that it would be beneficial if the SFX app (what I would call the remote end) had an option for the user to enter their name in to the logon box. Then, whatever they type in to that box would show up as part of the PC name listed under the group name. This would make it easier to quickly identify what customer (or PC) we are working with.

Second- one of the tests I ran was with a remote PC that has a dual monitor setup. The remote connection worked fine and I was able to view the desktop- but was only able to view the primary desktop. The windows and other information that are on the second monitor is unavailable to me remotely. It would be nice to be able to view/access the information on the second monitor.

Thirdly- we will be using this for remote support of our clients. When the remote support session has ended we will want the sfx app to be exited on their PC automatically (much the same way the current version of PCHelpware functions). Can a function be added to the PCHelpWare Viewer console that will allow us to exit the app on the remote PC when our session is finished? In other words I don't want our customers to have to exit the app on their own.

This is the bug- When I initially run the PCHelpWare Viewer it allows me to create the group name and a password. The app will then open and function correctly. However, if I close the app and try to re-open it it will ask for the password but will never open. The app will just close. I am positive I am entering the correct password. The only way I can get the app to function again is to delete the pchelpware.ini file and re enter the groupname and password. This is on a Windows 7 Professional 64bit machine.

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Re: Beta 1002

Post by atom.Man »


should be 'DisUAC' maybe? i didn't test to see if actually works - just wanted to make sure the ini file and the program code are in sync :)

i'm very new to VNC type software and wanted to offer my perspective as a first-time user of v2 of PcHelpWare as i found it a bit difficult to get it working...

apparently the latest RC is 1002, but when starting the viewer, it says 1001

i didn't understand the "access server" fields, or why there were 2 of them. at first i assumed this was the IP address of the server. i wonder if these input fields should be displayed at all and, instead, editable only through the ini file since i'm guessing they would typically not be changed, or changed only once? or perhaps they should be re-labeled to something like "master server" or "repeater" or something? tool-tips might help as well. i also assumed the "password" field was the server password (the server that is run on the remote PC).

personally, i'm not sure a tray icon is the best solution for the server and wonder if a simple button/MsgBox displayed in a corner of the desktop labeled "disconnect" would be better? if it were something like a MsgBox(), then the message could be customized maybe? if the viewer person closes the connection and forgets to kill the server, the person on the server end may not realize they need to exit the server.

also, is there a way to get the viewer to remember the password?
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Re: Beta 1002

Post by Stregor »



Observed bugs:
- server crash when Hostname in pchelpwareS.ini is longer than 33 characters
- strings (baloon0, splash1 and so one) is truncated after national characters (ex. "ą", "ł") - outside western code page
- string Balloon0 is ignored, oryginal text is used
- when i don't want for example splash8, and leave it empty (splash8=) - server crash. I can't remove whole line, because default text appear. I must enter #255 character :P

- buttons "OK", "Cancel" and in tray icon: "About", "Exit" would be possible to translate/localize in pchelpwareS.ini
- I would like to set both password and hostname in pchelpwareS.ini - then server will start immediately
- I would like to set option that server will release from memory when connection ended


Observed Bugs:
- file transfer not work in chat window (that is very nice option! :) )
- In operator console i chose "modules->console active xxx->Open Desktop. "Send Short Message" dialog appear. When I press "Cancel", whole action "Open desktop" should be cancelled, not only send empty message.

- possibility to remove host name from group tree
- better host name search mechanism
- scaleable tree width (longer host names)
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Re: Beta 1002

Post by taderz »

Hi Rudi
For starters I have been using pchelpware since the beginning and it is a fantastic bit of software and the new beta version has come a long way. The sc builder is very easy and graphically the server is much better
There are a couple of issues I have found
1. If the internet drops out the viewer says it is disconnected and when the net comes back up it recoencts bay says is off line
2. In the single click builder if you don’t put comments in every line it freeses
There are also a couple of suggestions most of them are features that are in the old version
1. It would be good to be able to lock the server I find this really handy when clients insist on touching the mouse
2. Would it be possible to change the servers icon
3. I often find it handy if I am out and a client calls me wanting to get me to dial in to get them to start up the server and I can reconnect when I get back to my computer this means that they are not tied to their computer and they can go out or home from there office. Would it be possible to have a tick box when starting the server up saying “allow desktop control” so than they are not prompted when I try to take over.
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Re: Beta 1002

Post by Artefakt »


in the chat window fast sending file doesn't work.
I can send it from the server and it will be uploaded, but at the viewer site no files there.
Where are the files i have uploaded?

Viewer is win 7 32 bit, sc file works on xp sp3.


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Re: Beta 1002

Post by x23piracy »


i'll use phw 2 in our company but aim behind a proxy no direct internet connection for any clients
except some servers that have some special fw rules.

So i need to open the firewall a bit but first of all i like to know what is really needed?
How does the connection to access servers work?

There is a US and a EU Server, which protocol and which ports are used for them to communicate
with both viewer/server?

My first try without chaing anything to the fw didn't worked the server (sc) stucks at the part where
he tries to communicate to the access server.

I could not find any documentation about the access servers!

Any clues?

Regards X23
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Re: Beta 1002

Post by Dwedit »

Hello. I was briefly trying out PCHelpware V2 Beta.

I've been a big fan of the previous version of the program, despite its initial learning curve. I liked how I could pick exactly which port numbers were used, because I am using the program behind a very restrictive firewall that blocks most outgoing ports, but lets a few well-known ports through. So I was running the viewer on port 20, and the PCs were able to connect fine. The only problem with the old version is that it crashes whenever a UAC prompt appears, and sometimes crashes at other times as well.

The new version of the program does not seem to be anything like the old version. It wants me to connect to an access server. I do not like the idea of using an access server out of concerns for security and privacy. I'd rather just accept the TCP connections directly, like the old version, so I haven't actually tested the program yet. I also see no options to set the port numbers anywhere, so I probably can't use this behind a restrictive firewall.

I'd really love to see a fixed-up version of the old program just to get rid of the UAC crashes.
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: Beta 1002

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Pchelpware v2 has nothing incommon with version 1, it a full rewrite.
The new version use udp and not tcp.
The goal of this program was to connect server and viewer when both are behind a nat router without routing all data over a 3the server.
The access servers are only used to initiate the connection, after that they are disconnected. The buildin encryption EAS 256 is between server
and viewer, so even when someone could hack the access servers they could not connect as the encryption and password is not known by this server.

You also can host your own server if you have a dedicated server with direct internet access.
The config files allow th define your own server(s).

If the firewall block outgoing ports then it doesn't work as certain udp poorts need to be open to connect to the access servers and later on
to the server/viewer. Udp ports are fixed as server/viewer access servers all need to use the same port.
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Re: Beta 1002

Post by Moofs »

Hi Rudi,
Trying to get away from Kesaya/Labtech/etc (only need their remote control for clients, yet they have heaps of other features I don't need or want for heaps $$$$$).
My question is how do I go about setting up my own access server?
My use case is:
Device (PC usually laptop) can't connect via VPN, it does have internet connection (e.g. hotel connection), I need to troubleshoot it. With 3rd party MSP's I locate the agentID, it triggers local agent to start RealVnC server to connect to 3rd party "nat helper/Access Server" which then opens my VNC viewer to connect to the end device. No end user interaction needed apart from making sure they have an internet connection.
I think I can see a way of doing this with PcHelpware, but need to test with access server (on my VMware setup). Save me $$$$ budget. Thanks, keep up the great work!
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Re: Beta 1002

Post by nri »

Hi, Rudi,

Congratulation for the great job.
The concept behind access servers is really interesting because you can skip any NAT configuration both on server and viewer side which very handy.
The price to pay is access_servers availibility.

I tried to use PCHelpWare those last days and nothing worked.
No answer from both access servers.
On strike ?
When I used a local access server (downloading access_server.exe), everything goes right.

So I have some ideas which could maybe lead to better availability.

When we define the acces servers, it could be very nice to access them also through url and not only ip address (something like 'http://pchwaccesserver.mydomain.com' or 'http://mydomain.com/pchwaccesserver/)

We could foresee a bigger list of access servers (not only 2)
The list could be reflected in the ini file, for easy configuration. Or (better) in a specific access_servers.ini
The list could be propagated when we create the server.

It may be an idea also that the protocols used by access servers (which is probably quite simple) can be made public.
Then anyone could make an access server implementation and make it available for anyone.
For example I would be very interested to write an implementation in php ou asp, put it on my server and make it available for others (I am not interested in windows binaries, because I do not have any environment to make it public. More interested in Apache).

Please feel free to react !!
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Re: Beta 1002

Post by Rudi De Vos »

The access_server.exe use a udp protocol.
I don't know if you can write udp appliactions in asp or php...
Udp is the only protocol that allow to create a NAT tunnel to make a direct connections between server and viewer
behind 2 different nat routers.

Both access servers are online and handling serveral request/sec.
Both running for more then a year, used them myself yesterday.
The problem with an internal access_server is that it can only be used to connect to internal servers and in that case
you better use vnc in a direct mode.

Looks like the nat rooter or firewall is blocking the required ports to communicate with the access_server(s) possible you are only
allowed to connect to external 80 443 tcp and not the specific udp ports.
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