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FileTransfer FT disabled

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FileTransfer FT disabled

Post by ianfinlay »

I have the following setup:
- Windws 7 Embedded running x64 UltraVNC Server as a service - title bar appended with "service mode"
- Windows 10 Viewer x64 UltraVNC

The server has file transfer enabled in admin properties
The viewer shows no file transfer icon
when I right click the viewer title bar and access file transfer from the popup menu I get the message...

"The connected VNC Server doesn't support UltraVNC File Transfer !" :oops:

I have other sites with the same setup but file transfer works

I am appreciative of any ideas to resolve this

Aside: I have found that I need to have a scheduled task that kills and restarts uvnc_service.exe every hour, if I have not accessed a remote ultravnc server for extended periods I can not always get in, and then its a flight hire car hotel; just to reboot a PC.
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Re: FileTransfer FT disabled

Post by CoreyCoop »

I have sort of the same problem, in that I can set the Properties to allow file transfer, but it won't allow me to enter transfer mode.
Windows 7 to Windows 7
both 64bit
both on the same network, so quite fast, no bandwidth issues.
Server running in Service Mode
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Re: FileTransfer FT disabled

Post by Cackle61 »

Sorry I don't have an answer for this. I have the same problem. WinVNC Server is installed on a WinXPSP3 machine, 2.16GHz, 1GB.

file transfer was previously working on a much older version (1.0.8 if I remember correctly). I upgraded to late last week and lost the file transfer function (no toolbar button and the above error message when selecting from the dropdown menu).

I have tried the following to no avail:
* uninstalled and reinstalled this version of uVNC via both RD & Teamviewer connections;
* downgraded to an earlier version (;
* searched and deleted VNC related files that might be interfering;
* searched and deleted registry entries/keys relating to VNC (it should be noted that there were some that couldn't be deleted)

Has anyone found a solution to this yet?

Thanks in advance...
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: FileTransfer FT disabled

Post by Rudi De Vos »

On startup, ultravnc check the protocol.
If the protocol differ vnc is started in "compatibility mode" and ultravnc specific parts are disabled ( like FT)

I guess you are running an old server and a new viewer or a new server and a old viewer, using 2 different rfb protocols
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Re: FileTransfer FT disabled

Post by Cackle61 »

Problem solved. Although I had upgraded the client to, the shortcut was still pointing to an older version. Once I redirected it to the new version and deleted the old, it was all good.
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