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Invalid VNC server specified error

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Posts: 1
Joined: 2020-12-08 04:50

Invalid VNC server specified error

Post by HAMOODH16 »

Hi everyone :D

hoping you all in good day, :thumbs:

actually I'm new ultra user and new member of your amazing forum, 8)

I'm studying cisco CCNA Data Center DCICN 200-150 in college and one now we are at the end o the semester the teacher request us project which is to use VMware form eve-ng and create a windows-server inside a node in the eve-ng site and run the window-server by ultraVNC .

all my student have done the above only me when i try to connect the window-server inside the node the following massage appear "Invalid VNC server specified error........etc. " I uninstall and install and same massage appear

please who ever have solution for the above error please provide me urgently and detail fully because I'm network engineer I don have any idea about programming and i don't like it too so please detailed solution will be better cause i don't understand fast !! :surprise:

i tried other solution in this form but is not helpful :roll:

my windows 10
window serve in eve is 10
version of ultra is

hope answer urgently

appreciated, :thumbs: :-*

regard ,
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: Invalid VNC server specified error

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Looks like you are using the commandline with invalid parameters.

Replace hostname or other critial info and post commandline, to see what's worng.
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