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update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Single Click discussions / bugs
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by Edvon »

It works with tested Win 7 Pro! Thanks! :D
Last edited by Edvon on 2009-12-15 12:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by bstrange »

Whenever I connect to Windows 7 it allows me to connect; however, clicking ANYTHING (i.e.: click the start button, right click a file, folder, or program, or double click a folder to open) results in a 1 min delay before I see the results of the initial click.

The exe was compiled in the newest online compiler (the one listed on the last page of this thread) and I am using Ultra VNC Win32 Viewer in Listen Mode).

The connection goes through fine and the remote desktop responds quickly in XP and Vista 32 bit. It only presents this problem in Windows 7 64. (I do not have any clients atm with Vista 64 or Win7 32 bit to report if this problem occurs on those versions).

Any help would be great!

Thanks in advance :)
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by redge »

there no or not yet 64bit of Singleclick 2009
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by Sainsuper »

bstrange wrote:Whenever I connect to Windows 7 it allows me to connect; however, clicking ANYTHING (i.e.: click the start button, right click a file, folder, or program, or double click a folder to open) results in a 1 min delay before I see the results of the initial click.
try using this viewer option:

vncviewer.exe -quickoption 4 -dotcursor -listen
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by trevorw »

Hi guys,

Just found this thread. Like Luke, I have encountered a number of issues with the SC setup and a listener. I've posted another thread explaining the problems at length at [post=64914][/post]

It would be great if the SC polling settings could be customized somehow so the best setting for a particular client could be used.

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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by lenkost »

[DIS_UAC) works OK disabling prompts for administrative Windows account in Windows 7. Apparently it sets "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin" to 0.
But for standard Windows account prompts to enter admin password cannot be removed.
So it would be very helpful to set "PromptOnSecureDesktop" to 0 as well. That disables Secure Desktop and prompts become visible for remote viewer. Remote user cannot enter password but at least he can see server screen. I hope it is not to difficult to add second registry change. It is implemented in Advantig OneClick and works quite well.
Another question is about restart. If remote viewer restarts server computer, registry changes do not revert back and become permanent which is not good for security. I am not sure how Windows terminates running programs at restart. May be there is a way to restore registry settings in this scenario.

Thanks for good Single Click. Hope these issues can be resolved.
Last edited by lenkost on 2009-12-22 22:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by raimon »

Rudi De Vos wrote:The zip you upload can contain following files, other are ignored

The created exe get signed by uvnc for easy web download and execution.
(Because of the signing we don't allow to upload your own dll/exe/dsm)
Is there anyway, even OFFLINE, to create SC with own exe, I need to use a personalized one but don't know how to create offline SC.

Thanks in advance
Raimundo Alba
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by faba »

So what about support for the asymetric encryption plugin SecureVNC? It would make much more sense for SC versions because only a public key is saved in the exe file and the encryption should be more secure.

It is also not more difficult to configure than the rc4 plugin I think.
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by converse »


I tested newest SC with following configuration:

Server-System (SC): Windows 7 Ultimate,
Viewer_System: Windows XP SP3 with Viewer

The connection speed is very fine indeed. What an improvement.

But there is still the problem with the UAC although I definitely set the value [DIS_UAC] in the helpdesk.txt correctly right after the [HOST] value.

SC user is admin, UAC once (actually more than once) verified.

The result is that the UAC window still appears.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance

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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by JasGot »

Good day everyone.

I too am now having to change from several years of UVNC SC under XP to having to support Vista and Windows 7,

I have read through this thread a few times now. I see where progress has been made but it seems like most of the remarks in this thread are for those who are more familiar with the workings of SC.

So here are a few questions, that if answered, I'm sure will help others. Your kind response will be most appreciated by many of us, as is your hard work in making this project work with Vista and 7.

In the original SC, we started with "Custom.Zip" which can be found here: http://www.uvnc.com/custom.zip and this is per the SC instructions found here: http://www.uvnc.com/addons/singleclick.html

Do we still start with this base? I think AERO_disable.exe is needed for Vista and Win7, but it is no in the custom.zip, nor is it inserted by the compiler at http://support1.uvnc.com/cgi-bin/upload4.pl

Can the Custom.zip be updated to handle Vista and 7?

Next, are there compatibility issues between UVNC version with SC?
I have an SC I am working with, but the latest build of UVNC seems to crash when my SC connects to it. The WinVNC.exe that the SC tool puts in the executable is dated Aug/26/2009, is this right?

I have some more questions that I think are relevent to noobies, but they are related to configuration, I thought I'd stick to just getting it to work for now.

Is there a new how to for the SC that works with Vista and 7?

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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by JasGot »

Okay, we made huge progress, by trying one thing, THANKS to SainSuper for this tip.
Sainsuper wrote: try using this viewer option:

vncviewer.exe -quickoption 4 -dotcursor -listen
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by jogz »

Does anyone have this working with the display driver or dual monitors? I'm not seeing any ability to handle that. Is this feature in the Vista/7 specialized SC creator?

When I press the button to switch monitors, it works going from one to the other but when I toggle it the 2nd or 3rd time for both monitors, it crashes on me.

When I double click on the uvnc icon we use and look at the information for the connected computer, I see no box indicated whether or not the uvnc display divers are being used or not.
Last edited by jogz on 2010-03-03 16:47, edited 1 time in total.
You obviously lack the creative genius to integrate Legos and Duplos.
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Win7 messag: This program might not have installed correctly

Post by mh1 »

Hello all. I've spent the last 3 days learning UVNC and SC and have it working perfect! Thank you so much for this tool! Part of that time was spent using SC Builder 2009, until I realized it wasn't working well (slow) with my Win7 64bit PC on the server side. Nice tool, but SC seems to work better for me.

The rest of my time was understanding the brief doc on this site, and whether certain things applied or not. (not complaining)

The [DIS_UAC] option is a miracle!

My only question please, which I couldn't find an answer to, is how to prevent the popup message from Win7 after SC closes, which says: "This program might not have installed correctly". It's not a big deal. But the person on the server end can get alarmed by it.

Again, thanks for an awesome, awesome job everyone! :)
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by siva_vandanapu »

Hi Rudi,
I am working on Windows 2008 server and connecting to my client systems which are XP systems. I got the single-click from the below mentioned link and it worked fine(used latest VNC viewer
I would like to make some branding changes to WinVNC.exe(Exe that exists in Singleclick). Can you please provide the link to source code for that.

Thanks in Advance

Siva kumar V
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by POZ.James »


Just out of interest re the UAC / Administrator permissions issue - have you tried embedding a Windows Vista+ manifest file into the main vnc.exe inside the package (as well as the package itself).

This should prompt the user for elevation as soon as they run the main package and then run the whole thing with elevated permissions without the need to disable UAC manually via the reg...

You'd need to use the MT.exe tool from microsoft to embed the manifest.

Example manifest:-
(Save as e.g.: winvnc.exe.manifest)

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> 
  <assemblyIdentity version=""
     name="UltraVNC SC"
  <description>UltraVNC SC - Remote access tool. </description> 
  <!-- Identify the application security requirements. -->
  <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2">
  <compatibility xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:compatibility.v1">
    <!--The ID below indicates application support for Windows Vista -->
      <supportedOS Id="{e2011457-1546-43c5-a5fe-008deee3d3f0}"/>
    <!--The ID below indicates application support for Windows 7 -->
      <supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-a2440225f93a}"/>
Example MT.exe command line usage:-

Code: Select all

mt.exe -manifest vnc.exe.manifest -outputresource:"MainExecutableWithManifestEmbeded.exe";#1

Code: Select all

mt.exe -manifest package.exe.manifest -outputresource:"ExecutableVNCPackageWithManifestEmbeded.exe";#1
Each "code" section should be on its own, single line - just remember to change the exe names ;)

This should mean that on 2000/XP etc it runs as normal, but on Vista/Win7/Server2008 etc it prompts for elevation first.

Just a thought (I had to do something similar elsewhere).

I'll probably try this myself as i've got to customise the ui slightly anyway.


EDIT: P.s. this will fix the "The application failed to install" type prompt on vista+ machines too ;)
Last edited by POZ.James on 2010-05-12 09:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by POZ.James »


Further to my previous post.

On further inspection, i'm not sure requesting Admin permissions in the manifest is a great idea (e.g. if the user doesn't HAVE permission you're stuck). Besides your [DIS_UAC] option works great anyway!

However I do still think that you need to add the compatibility bits into your manifest.


Code: Select all

<compatibility xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:compatibility.v1">
    <!--The ID below indicates application support for Windows Vista -->
<supportedOS Id="{e2011457-1546-43c5-a5fe-008deee3d3f0}"/>

    <!--The ID below indicates application support for Windows 7 -->
<supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-a2440225f93a}"/>

This bit prevents the horrible windows doesn't think your software installed correctly messages ;)
(Should be added somewhere between the <assembly> tags)

P.s. Thanks for the update, wish i'd noticed it sooner!

EDIT: Trying to get rid of extra spacing that phpbb has added!
EDIT2: Didn't work!
Last edited by POZ.James on 2010-05-14 15:41, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by Ecartman84 »

Hello, I am trying to use the 2009 update of SC to do remote support for my customers. I have added the part in the helpdesk.txt to disable uac. I am having problems with a bug however. Whenever I open a web browser IE, Firefox, Chrome .... on the clients pc it seems that randomly the vnc will lockup (sometimes as soon as the browser is opened). On windows7 and vista i can usually have the client close the browser and i regain control. On xp machines it usually either disconnects me eventually after this happens or i have to manually disconnect because there is no regaining control. On xp machines with previous SC Versions i never had this problem, and on win7 and vista machines the old sc versions would just lockup immediately, so the new version has improved with 7 and vista but it seems to have made it so i cant help people on the internet. Is there a workaround? Am I missing something? Thank you all :)
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by B »

Sorry I don't know. Some of us have moved on to other single-click "wrapper" projects including SCPrompt and ChunkVNC. (Both are in these forums.)
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by David4 »

Post moved to [topic=18768][/topic]
Last edited by David4 on 2010-08-14 18:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by Chreos »

This didn't work for us in trying to resolve the slow refresh when listening from an XP to a windows 7 host. The only way we could resolve the long refresh delay was to create a self installer of the latest driver files that detected the version of windows and if it was 32 bit or 64 bit so as to install the correct driver. If sc was run straight after the driver install there would still be problems, not sure if that was due to the delay of the silent install or that a log off and login again was required but that is what we usually recommended to resolve it. Once the driver was installed we had no further problems with SC using either creators.

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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by p0wn3r »


this is my situation,

I downloaded and installed the last and installed only the viewer on my 2003 server, build the SC with the online builder and the connection is working great if I use XP as client, but with windows 7 ....

very slow, I tried building the zip using the other link .pl but ...

Is there any way to fix this with windows?
Any well write-d how to?

I read almost all 6 pages and still don't know what to do.

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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by jawz101 »

any chance or benefits from you all bundling the newer versions of the dlls & exe files?
What are you all using to convert zip to exe in case we want to try bundling them ourselves?
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by Rudi De Vos »

sc use 7zip for compression

If 7zip is installed you can extract the sfx and recompose it yourself.
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by jawz101 »

how do you recompose it after you've made your changes?
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by JDaus »

jawz101 wrote:What are you all using to convert zip to exe in case we want to try bundling them ourselves?
Download SCPrompt and use the scprompt_builder.exe or the various batch files that are available ... that gives you options for 7zip, iexpress or now NSIS ...

i will publish the builder as a seperate project soon, as i think others may find it useful for lots of things :D
jawz101 wrote:how do you recompose it after you've made your changes?
You can just re-use the website again ... or use the above mentioned packages ...
ask a silly question and remain a fool for 5 minutes...
don't ask, and remain a fool for life - JDaus 2003

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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by descartes79 »



this link is broken ? this is not running...
i need new exe. please help...

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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by Rudi De Vos »

MS updates are running....will be back soon.
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Back online... seems update took very long.
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Re: update old sc (online creator) update 27/08

Post by descartes79 »

Yes now running Super
Thank you very much :)
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