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View only password when using SecureVNCPlugin?

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Posts: 2
Joined: 2011-10-08 01:43

View only password when using SecureVNCPlugin?

Post by blbrown »

I've had the SecureVNCPlugin working, using the passphrase defined when generating keys, establishes an encrytped connection ok and everything seems to work well. It is noted that using the passphrase "overrides" the standard passwords, even though they still need to be set to something and can't be left blank.

Next step, generate new keys and leave passphrase blank, defaults back to using "standard" VNC password defined in server Admin Properties ... good. But trying to connect using the view-only password I get the message "Authentication rejected". Wondering A) if this is normal and B) if there is a way of having both passwords active using the plugin, any ideas out there?
Posts: 53
Joined: 2009-01-06 16:39

Re: View only password when using SecureVNCPlugin?

Post by bigjohn »

There seem to be many many permutations and combinations of how things go with setting up DSm plugin...
Perhaps our developers would look at the various configuration possibilities and put this into the main website as documentation?
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