Update: UltraVNC and UltraVNC SC viewtopic.php?t=37885
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Dual Monitor

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Posts: 1
Joined: 2015-07-31 12:11

Dual Monitor

Post by liberostelios »

Congratulations on the great work you do with maintaining UltraVNC and all it's byproducts. I can say i am amazed by the capabalitites you have managed to implement through the uvnc "platform".

My question is, would it be possible to support dual monitor view through PC Helpware 2? I have found possible solutions through the forums about the "original" uvnc server and it's configuration, but it's not clear to me if this is possible through the SC server created by PC Helpware. Any luck with that?

Btw, is there any chance you would think of migrating to Github concerning uvnc source code? I believe it would be easier to handle all sub-projects under github and sourceforge seems kind of outdated and bloat, nowadays.
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