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UltraVNC getting disconnected from server

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UltraVNC getting disconnected from server

Post by shijuelos4713 »

Hello everyone,

I've got a problem with my UltraVNC connection being disconnected from the server after a minute or 2. This viewer is on a different network of computers from the other stable network we use that has 4 other computers with no issues with VNC.
I'm NOT an IT guy but i figured it out the problem is with the way they set up the VNC server. It only works fine with a group of PCs showing the same DHCP server. How can I reconfigure UltraVNC so it won't get disconnected from the server?
Sorry, I'm very ignorant in this field but I need to resolve this issue and any help is greatly appreciated .
Thanks !
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: UltraVNC getting disconnected from server

Post by Rudi De Vos »

The problem is to know why vnc disconnect.
That the viewer is on a different network should not be a problem. if it was, vnc could not be used on the internat as we need to pass several networks to get to the destination.

1) First try to figure out how the PC on the other network reach the server.
Open a cmd on that pc and run
tracert vnc_server_ip ( tracert is a MS commando that show how 2 different networks connect)

2) When you start the viewer, set a fixed encoder ( viewer options), this is always more stabel then the auto mode.
Try if different encoders bahave the same.

3)You can activate the loggon ( server option) to see if there is a reason that indicate why it stop.

For me it look like a network issue , something or perhaps some security function is closing the port.
Or a semi broken router, can't handle the heavy network load vnc can generate....i remember some early wifi routers
could nor encrypt fast enough and crash on vnc.
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