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RemoteView.me Reverse SSH VNC Remote Support

This forum is for VNC related products | This means not only UltraVNC | It even is allowed to announce or describe commercial (and of course non-commercial) programs here (but not anywhere else in the forum)
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RemoteView.me Reverse SSH VNC Remote Support

Post by aaronkinder »

I have been developing software to automate reverse VNC connections to client computers to assist customers behind routers and firewalls. The software is not ready for a beta release, but in order to gauge the opinion of the general I.T. public I put together a video outlining how the software works and I invite you all to view it: https://youtu.be/Khy4w-jJGjI

I will be requesting assistance with testing the software as well as entertaining ideas for features or optimizations that could be made in the future. I have included additional information on the youtube page if you are interested.

I wanted to thank the maker of the ChunkVNC software for the idea, I enjoyed using the software a few years ago.
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