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Online Servers in Group Refresh rate

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Posts: 1
Joined: 2013-08-12 21:58

Online Servers in Group Refresh rate

Post by danielg230 »


I've been experimenting with PCHelpware to provide customer support and have set up different groups to separate my client's PCs under their own Group. When there is more than one Server listed or added to a particular group, I've noticed PCHelpware alternately Highlights each of the systems listed very quickly, many times within a few seconds. Attempting to "Select" the one I wish to connect to, and then "Right Click" the selected server, often times brings up the "Add / Delete" Group option instead, because the highlighted server has moved to the next Server in the list, due to this refresh action.

Is there anyway to adjust the refresh so that it is either manual, or change the rate at which this happens?

It is a real challenge to "Time" my mouse clicks to coordinate with the refresh so as to get the proper PopUp to establish P2P or Desktop session.


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