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MsLogon II (Group)

Should you have problems with the MS logon plugin, here's the place to look for help or report issues
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Posts: 2
Joined: 2023-05-16 18:46

MsLogon II (Group)

Post by pwaltz »


StationA + StationB

MsLogon II

When uninstalled and then back installing the uVNC on StationB, this option is not working anymore (even if I copy the ini file in from stationA to StationB). It only ask the VNC password

I've not been able to make work twice the Ms Logon credential with admin workgroup what ever I do on stationB

What am I doing wrong ?

Thank's !
Posts: 2
Joined: 2023-05-16 18:46

Re: MsLogon II (Group)

Post by pwaltz »


I just found why.

I had also TightVNC installed on the StationB
TightVNC seem to be acting as the prime soft for credential when trying to login trough UltraVNC

So I unstalled TightVNC and voilà !
it worked again has expected.

NB: It was also related to the problem that I did not had the last five Icons on the taskbar viewer(Blank sceen to chat) (when having also TightVNC installed)

Thank's !
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