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SC Launcher ver 1.0 - Remote Support

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SC Launcher ver 1.0 - Remote Support

Post by cheaha »

Product has been updated to ver 1.1.
See info here:
Last edited by cheaha on 2005-07-05 20:12, edited 2 times in total.
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How to put INSIDE

Post by cheaha »

Last edited by cheaha on 2005-07-05 20:13, edited 2 times in total.

Post by Guest »

wouldn't it be great if one could make this fully settings controllable? I mean also the languages? like that it would be possible to translate it.
still testing but seems good

Post by ChrisH »

Hi cheaha
very nice it works great. but can it be that the backgorund doesn't jump back to the old one which was installed and that the Email Invoice Generation doesn't work. another thing is how can i use the reboot function because when i reboot normal it doesn't work :/

good start!

Post by TKD »

great addition! here are some bugs that I found on my end:

1. email invoice does not work - do you need to login to the email server before sending out an email from your run.exe app?

2. how do the links work? i tried setting up a url w/a d/loadable file...for example: http://www.foo.com/sc.exe
but when i click on that link, it doesn't download the file from the website.

3. timer is nice... only li'l quirk is that the QUIT option is within reach where a user can intentionally or accidentally stop the timer

definitely a good start in the right direction!

thanks for your efforts!

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Okay to Clerify Some Things

Post by cheaha »

Okay guys,

Topic 1: Email

Email is a bit trickey with a program this size, windows (for security reasons) makes it pretty difficult to send an email without user intervention, so what I was left to do was communicate directly with the receiving SMTP server. This means the server that grabs your email from the internet. Most of those servers will only devliver email to addresses on their network, they don't "relay" messages, as this is how SPAM is created.

So email may work for some of you, and not others, make sure that you use the link I listed in the readme post to find out the MX record for your email domain. This will identify your receiving SMTP server. Like I said, some with work and others won't..mine does.


One final note: If you don't collect user inforamtion, there is no email attempt, period. This is reguardless of the setting in the INI file. SO, collect user information if you want an emailed invoice. You can however, collect user information and disable the email, thus the reason for the email toggle setting in the INI file.

Topic 2: Reboot

I should have been more specific in my description of this, what I mean was system level ability to remote restart, and the ablility to logon/logoff without losing connection.

I am currently working on the ability to reboot and auto-reconnect. This is tricky b/c the 7zip.sfx.exe is designed to delete all files when the execution is complete. To add restart, and reconnect to the equasion, files would actually have to be installed to the host computer, then removed. I really wanted to avoid this, but there is no way arround that fact.

Topic 3: Links

The links are availible by clicking the purple button on the timer. You click the link and then it should download and auto-execute the program. This is also designed to be used with self extracting archive exe's. I use mine for Virus Scanner, and Spyware removal. NOTE: you can only run one tool at a time.

Hope you guys find this useful, let me know.
Last edited by cheaha on 2005-04-06 19:16, edited 1 time in total.

Suggestion for invoice...

Post by TKD »

Instead of emailing the invoice, how about posting a file on an ftp server? that would be perfect for a workaround for those who don't have the email capability you referred to.

Thanks again for donating the supplemental app... there's great potential once everything is working well on it!


Post by ChrisH »

how can i give the sc.exe the icon1.ico with 7-zip instead of the standard icon of ms or what it is?
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Resource Hacker maybe?

Post by Ares »

ChrisH wrote:how can i give the sc.exe the icon1.ico with 7-zip instead of the standard icon of ms or what it is?
You should be able to use this on the .sfx (edit: or even the final .exe, come to think of it - do it on the .sfx if you'd want to make it the default icon for all your SFX's).


I'm about 99% sure it will work. It opens in ResHack anyway, and I see the icon - so it shouldn't be hard to replace.

There may be a more "proper" way of doing this, but this should do the trick =)

Last edited by Ares on 2005-04-07 15:14, edited 3 times in total.
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SC Launcher ver 1.0

Post by MARS »

With SC Launcher is there still the timeout of 5 minutes after which SC dies, or does the launcher keep the SC still alive ?
My problem is that timeout of 5 minutes is too low

Thanks for any reply

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Re: SC Launcher ver 1.0

Post by ipsec »

MARS wrote:With SC Launcher is there still the timeout of 5 minutes after which SC dies, or does the launcher keep the SC still alive ?
My problem is that timeout of 5 minutes is too low

Thanks for any reply

go check your thread.
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Re: SC Launcher ver 1.0

Post by Shaba1 »

Ipsec wrote:
MARS wrote:With SC Launcher is there still the timeout of 5 minutes after which SC dies, or does the launcher keep the SC still alive ?
My problem is that timeout of 5 minutes is too low

Thanks for any reply

go check your thread.
go check your thread?? what does that mean?
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Post by Shaba1 »

Cheeha I really like this add on. I need the timer feature AND the people I help are not smart enought to be able to download and unzip something. One question. I use RC19.5 for both server and view. I run window ME on the machine I am probably going ot be doing the support from. ME runs fine with the regular Ultraview. Do I HAVE to upgrade to RC20?

The page at


seems a little unclear to me.
Here is what it says.
UltraVncSC based on RC20+accept incoming connection
Require special Viewer (TO TEST) or Viewer RC203
SC updated for win98, alpha blending disabled on 9.x
then further down it says:
UltraVncSC based on RC20 (OK)
It just seems a bit unclear to me.

If I have to upgrade, I have to. It is just going to require doing some uninstalls and reinstalls at work and registry edits to get the FTImpersonation key correct. I would just like to avoid that if I could.

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Rudi De Vos
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Post by Rudi De Vos »

Use the top, RC20 has a win98 Black screen bug (alpha blending)

You need viewer RC205 or RC203

A viewer require no installation as it is just 1 exe.
But you can easy have the 2 viewers together on a system
Just give them other names.
viewerRC195.exe viewer RC205.exe

Viewers don't use registry (except for the last used list)
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Re: SC Launcher ver 1.0

Post by ipsec »

Shaba1 wrote:
Ipsec wrote:
MARS wrote:With SC Launcher is there still the timeout of 5 minutes after which SC dies, or does the launcher keep the SC still alive ?
My problem is that timeout of 5 minutes is too low

Thanks for any reply

go check your thread.
go check your thread?? what does that mean?
he started two conversations about the same thing

i responded in the other.. not both.

I told him to check his thread.. thats what "Go check your thread means" its nothing with the actual program itself.. lol

Last edited by ipsec on 2005-05-21 03:10, edited 1 time in total.

Very Good Job !

Post by Ser »

Hi, Cheaha:
I'm trying your Launcher 1.0 application and works fine till now.
It's possible add some feature to translate the customer info form and the goodbye form to other languages??
p.e. in setup.ini file
Otherwise, It would be possible you publish the vb6 code?
(I know that it is too much to request to you but....)

What about Nat2Nat Integration with SC?

Thanks for your Launcher. I'ts a great job.
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Post by cheaha »

Devloupment continued, and I have now added reboot capibilities and a new methiod of launch that works with NT, 2000, and XP. If there is enough interest I will dive back into the code and make it generic for you guys. (all settings in INI).

Post by Guest »

keep up with your nice idea, of cource there is heavy interest.
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Post by Shaba1 »

I would like to be kept abreast of this topic. I think that this is the most useful of the specialized SC versions for me. The only thing I would need is that it work on 98 and ME and also some instructions on how to test it on the same machine to make sure everything worked. OF course NAT2NAT would be the ultimate support tool. $10 is coming your way via pay pal my next payday.
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Post by cheaha »


I'm glad that there is still some interest. Launcher has gotten much more powerful than before. It can now reboot and auto-reconnect, it also has the ability to run as a system level process in NT, 2000, and XP.

As for 9x and ME support, "it's in there", you just can't run it as a sytem level process.

My only issue is time, after the inital release, I made some modifications that were my company specific (graphics mainly), I'll need to pull those out and make it so that it can specified via the INI file.

For you newbie's out there, in version 1 ALL of the settings are availible for your editing in the INI file. It's really pretty self explanitory, just read the example INI file.

Thanks for the donation, I'll be getting you a early copy of the next release.
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Post by Shaba1 »


I have questions on your launcher.

#1 what EXACTLY to those urls at the bottom of the text file do.?? Do the automatically download programs. Or do they indicate to the person running the server that he has to click those links

#2 IF they automatically download programs would it be possible to have them download NSC.exe and run it with already set up setting.

My main problem with SC is that I work off public 802.11 access points. So even when I can open a port (on an unprotected access point/router) I really do not think I should do that to someone elses equipment. So the access point on my side would block the incoming connection from the SC server.
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Post by cheaha »

The Links are links to tools that you might use to provide support. They will download and auto-execute any file you specify in the URL. I use self extracting zip/rar files, to download and auto execute helper programs.
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Post by CBailey »

Is the source available for this?
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Post by cheaha »

Not at this time.
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Post by Shaba1 »

cheaha wrote:The Links are links to tools that you might use to provide support. They will download and auto-execute any file you specify in the URL. I use self extracting zip/rar files, to download and auto execute helper programs.
ever here of autoit.?? With that program you have the ability to scrip the mouse movement and clicks that are require to install anything. And you can make it into and exe. This woudl be perfect for programs like a AV or spyware dectector that would require the user to intall.
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Remote Support System v1.1 - SC on Steroids

Post by cheaha »

This thread and its discussed software was been rolled into a new product. It offers many new features, check it out here: [topic=3387][/topic]
Pawan Kumar

How install the 'Plugin' in Ultravnc

Post by Pawan Kumar »

Hi, sir
I want to knew that how the "Plugin' install in the "UltravncSC"[/b]
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