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problems if choosing run instead of save when downl server

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Posts: 10
Joined: 2007-02-17 11:24

problems if choosing run instead of save when downl server

Post by fredriksk »

I have struggled with this beautiful program for some days now. When I connect to my viewer threw my LAN everything works but when I asked people on the WAN side to try to connect to my viewer they all failed. One person could connect (thanks again bevtech).

This lead me to believe that there was a routing/firewall issue.

To simplify for my "test people" I put the PcHelpWare_server.exe file up on a website so they could download and run it smoothly. And I think the problem comes from this.

Then, suddenly one of my "testpeople" got threw to my viewer and everything worked. I started to question him on how he proceeded with the connection and found out that he used Firefox to download the server. Firefox hasn't the option to "run" a exe file when you link to it. You have to klick "save" and then run the saved file.

My theory is that if you choose "Run" in IE the file is saved to you're temporary Internet file and then it's runned from here. Can this be the problem?

I will test this futher this weekend but if anyone can confirm/or deny this it would be great.
Last edited by fredriksk on 2007-02-23 10:18, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 10
Joined: 2007-02-17 11:24

Re: problems if choosing run instead of save when downl serv

Post by fredriksk »

Well. I have confirmed this once more when a different firend of mine first tried to just run the PcHelpWare_server.exe file after clicking on the weblink to the exe file. When this is done the connection fails.

When my friend first downloaded the file to c:\ and then dubbeklicked it the connection was sucessfull.

Can anyone else confirm this?

It may very well be a common misstake for newbees (like me :wink: )?
Posts: 9
Joined: 2007-01-19 21:54

Re: problems if choosing run instead of save when downl serv

Post by arc »

Getting the client to use run rather than save and then running the app shouldnt be an issue.
I host a copy of the pc helpware server on our website and instruct all clients to select run, enter an ID (as I also use the repeater) and click connect.
Provided all the settings in the viewer and server are set properly and the router is set to forward correctly I've had no other issues.
Provide some more details regarding your setup and I'll see if myself or someone else here can shed anymore light on the subject.
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