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Suggested Improvement for the viewer

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Posts: 3
Joined: 2007-02-28 12:51

Suggested Improvement for the viewer

Post by bsmith »

First off I want to say that this is a great improvement over SC. I have been using SC for remote assistance on my customers computers for years, but was forced to look into something new when it failed to load properly on a vista machine.

The suggestion that I have is to allow the viewer to be started with command line paramaters. You already save the profile settings in a file.

What I would like to do is call the EXE and pass it the name of the connection profile file, and the ID number. then it would automatically start the viewer and connect.

I imagine that this could also be done by passing the proper calls to the 1SCVDLL.dll file. but I only have .net managed code programming experience. If someone would like to post a .net wrapper for the viewer DLL I would not complain :)
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