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Starting server before viewer should be possible!!!

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Posts: 31
Joined: 2005-07-19 14:47

Starting server before viewer should be possible!!!

Post by thoste »

As I had to notice the viewer should always be started BEFORE
the server. This is absolutely inconvenient and unrealistic.

Think of two scenarios:

1.) I want to access from my university/office my home computer.
I cannot start the viewer then run within 10 seconds home and start the server.

2.) Similarly a friend asks me to check his computer because he has a problem with program xxx. I would like to tell him: Ok turn on
your PcHelpWare server. I will connect to it tomorrow during the day.

This is not possible.

Currently PcHelpWare is not usable this way.

Why not setting up an architecture like in UltraVNC. That would be perfect
(except the fact that I can not go (easily) through NATs).

In UltraVNC the server can run all the day long (even as service) waiting for incoming connects.

Is it at least planned to setup PcHelpWare server as a permanently running server/service ?

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Re: Starting server before viewer should be possible!!!

Post by mattice06082 »

Here's a quote from the PcHelpWare website:
PCHelpWare is a powerful remote support software that allows you to control (right from your own PC) a distant PC connected to the internet. It is the ideal solution to provide quick remote assistance and help your customers, colleagues, friends and family members, even if they are on the other side of the world
1.) I want to access from my university/office my home computer.
I cannot start the viewer then run within 10 seconds home and start the server.
UltraVNC is more suitable for this. You can use a repeater to minimize the configuration on each side.
2.) Similarly a friend asks me to check his computer because he has a problem with program spam. I would like to tell him: Ok turn on
your PcHelpWare server. I will connect to it tomorrow during the day.

This is not possible.

Currently PcHelpWare is not usable this way.

Why not setting up an architecture like in UltraVNC. That would be perfect
(except the fact that I can not go (easily) through NATs).
With UltraVNC the server is started first because it is waiting for the incoming connection. With PcHelpWare the viewer is started first because it is waiting for the incoming connection.

If you start the UltraVNC viewer before the the server is started you won't be able to connect unless you start it in listening mode (this is the same as what the PcHelpWare viewer is doing). So it is consistent with the way PcHelpWare has been configured.
Is it at least planned to setup PcHelpWare server as a permanently running server/service ?
I am not a developer so I can't speak for what the future plans are.
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