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viewer lock ... help needed

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Rudi De Vos
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viewer lock ... help needed

Post by Rudi De Vos »

We are getting some reports from MS that viewer v1.0.6.4 hangs on
WIN7 / Vista sp1 sp2.
The debug trace show a socket lock

A hang is a complete lock, taksmgr is neeed to kill the viewer.

The problem is that we can only fix it when we know how to repeat it.
Anybody has the same issue, and know more or less when it happen.
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Re: viewer lock ... help needed

Post by pgmoney »

Rudi De Vos wrote:We are getting some reports from MS that viewer v1.0.6.4 hangs on
WIN7 / Vista sp1 sp2.
The debug trace show a socket lock

A hang is a complete lock, taksmgr is neeed to kill the viewer.

The problem is that we can only fix it when we know how to repeat it.
Anybody has the same issue, and know more or less when it happen.
I haven't had time to trace it but I can duplicate a hang 100% if I try to send a mouse click (or chat or FT etc) when the server is disconnected before the viewer sees the server disconnect. If the viewer receives the disconnect notice from the server it doesn't hang. On XP it just crashes the viewer. Not sure if this is any help for the specific debug reports you have.
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