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10961 server: settings - password not saving

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10961 server: settings - password not saving

Post by dallasl »


I am running 10961 server on my win7/x64 machine... but the server settings do not save. When I reboot they are lost. Both password and server settings, they just revert to defaults. I have UAC off btw...
Is this a known bug? Any workarounds?
Thanks for any info! :)
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Re: 10961 server: settings - password not saving

Post by dallasl »

noone else faced this problem? I have to manually re-configure every setting every reboot, nothing is saved... I think I'll just try an older version to see if it works better
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: 10961 server: settings - password not saving

Post by Rudi De Vos »

1) Stop service,Run winvnc as application , save settings , restart service
2) uvnc_settings.exe seperate app to set/save settings
3) Logon as local admin and not domain user ( domain admin can not be impersonated by the service)

Desktop user need to be able to write to ultravnc.ini "program files ultravnc) and can not be a domain user.

The problem is that running as service you have full access.
To avoid that even a guest user can change the settings, we impersonate the desktop user.
The problem is that we can not impersonate users that exist only on a domain ( permission denied)

I'm working on a control panel applet for the uvnc settings, who can open it is always admin, no impersonation
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Re: 10961 server: settings - password not saving

Post by ninefofo »


I'm having trouble with the UtlraVNC properties page popping up when I change the password daily and restart the service. These are my steps using a .NET console program.

1. Stop 'unvc_service'
2. Open C:\Program Files\UltraVNC\UltraVNC.ini
3. Change passwd and passwd2
4. Save, Close
5. Start 'unvc_service'

Should the Desktop user be permitted special rights in secpol.msc?

Thank You
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