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Autoreconnect option in SC

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Autoreconnect option in SC

Post by acik »

I created a SC executable file, that works perfectly... but it have not the -autoreconnect option !

When the connection goes down, I must to call the customer and ask to reconnect.

Before SC, I used a .cmd file when I wrote "winvnc -sc_prompt -autoreconnect -connect My-IP-Address"

How can enable this option in SC ?

Thanks !
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: Autoreconnect option in SC

Post by Rudi De Vos »

autoreconnect doesn't exist for SC.
The small sc exe only contain a subset of the full winvnc commands.

You can try to crate your own sfx.
The sc executable is actual a sfx ( self extracting archieve) that's made with 7zip.
You can extract the content, replace the small sc with the full winvnc modify the helpdesk.txt with your previous settings
and create back the sfx exe.
7zip has all stuff to do it ( 7zip is hosted on sourceforge)

The goal of sc was to make something small with removed service.
The user always need to start SC a
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: Autoreconnect option in SC

Post by Rudi De Vos »

autoreconnect doesn't exist for SC.
The small sc exe only contain a subset of the full winvnc commands.

The goal of sc was to make something small with removed service.
Connection is always made as respons to the local user. Autoreconnect
would allow you to reconnect after an hour without the user knowledge.

You can try to create your own sfx.
The sc executable is actual a sfx ( self extracting archieve) that's made with 7zip.
You can extract the content, replace the small sc with the full winvnc modify the helpdesk.txt with your previous settings
and create back the sfx exe.
7zip has all stuff to do it ( 7zip is hosted on sourceforge)
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Re: Autoreconnect option in SC

Post by acik »

I already seeked inside the .exe file with 7Zip.
Unfortunately there are only one .exe that is the wnc server with the menu.

If there was a menu.exe that launch winvnc.exe, it would be more easy for me to change only the vnc server...

Any other chance ?
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: Autoreconnect option in SC

Post by Rudi De Vos »

yep.... forgot.
The whole helpdesk.txt menu was added in sc and oesn't exist in the full version ... sorry.

If you can play with the sfx
The sfx start winvnc.exe.... it could also start winvnc.bat

I never tried this...

@Echo Off
Goto TOP

But, i don't think it will work proper.
*As soon you open a UAC window, you need user intervation.
*terminate the loop
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