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Cannot build project using Visual Studio 2010

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Cannot build project using Visual Studio 2010

Post by stebcom »


I downloaded the Z_SC_2011.zip archive from the official site but I can't run the solution. Visual Studio 2010 makes a conversion of all projects files because the solution was created in 2008 format; this apparently works correctly, but when I try to run, I get this error:

Unable to start program 'C:Users\[path to project folder]\Z_SC_2011\Xregion\.\Release\Xregion.lib'
The specified file is an unrecognized or unsupported binary format

This file does not come with the downloaded archive of course, but it's generated during the building process.
Any suggestions?
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: Cannot build project using Visual Studio 2010

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Visual studio 10 removed the "depend on" and replaced it by "reference"
In VS 2008 you tell that winvnc "depend on" Xregion library, you need to convert the dependency's.

In the converted project click on winvnc and goto to properties
common properties > framework and references
You need to add the library(s) as reference
"add new reference" and select from list.
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Re: Cannot build project using Visual Studio 2010

Post by stebcom »

Thanks for your reply, but Visual Studio had already created the references.
The properties are set like this.
Copy Local: true
Copy Local Satellite Assemblies: false
Reference Assembly Output: false
Link Library Dependencies: true
Use LIbrary Dependency Inputs: false

Actually, there is another error with this method in videodriver.h and videodriver.cpp files:

BOOL Activate_video_driver(bool auto,int x,int y, int w,int h);

Since auto is a keyword, Visual Studio tells me that I can't combine it with any other type-specifier; I know that this particular keyword works differently in Visual Studio 2008, but this seems to me a wrong declaration anyway. If I change 'auto' to 'myauto', for example, this error disappears but I get into the Xregion.lib problem mentioned before.
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: Cannot build project using Visual Studio 2010

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Possible there exist some other...we still build it with VC 6.0
and never tested it with VS2010.

You also need to verify all custom path/filesnames.
The missing lib is created in another folder then the one winvnc is looking.

For the online creator i use VC6.0 dynamic linked, because VC 6.0 dll's exist already on all systems.
If you use VS2010 or VS2012, you have a 300k exe that only run when you install the corresponding redist.
In that case you better replace the dynamic by static linking to avoid the extra download and install.
( user need to be admin to install redist...)
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