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rights elevation in latest version?

Single Click discussions / bugs
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rights elevation in latest version?

Post by gdelucce »

Hi, today I have repacked my singleclick using latest online creator tool. In previous version, the generated file (sc.exe) required rights elevation if run from a non-admin user. NOw, it does not anymore, so I need to tell customers to right-click and choose "run as administrator" in win7 - win8. Why? Is there a way to revert to the older behaviour (something like DIS_UAC maybe)? Thanks!
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: rights elevation in latest version?

Post by Rudi De Vos »

This was changed so non admin users also could use it.
Run as admin require in many cases a password what a normal user doesn't have or can not be given to,
if it was required a non admin user never could use it.

The problem is that this is a manifest setting, the OS read it before executing the sc.exe.
It can not be set via an option as this require sc already running to read it.

Only way seems to be to create another installer with another embedded extractor that require
"run as admin". I will see if i can make some time for it...
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Re: rights elevation in latest version?

Post by gdelucce »

I understand, thank you..
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Re: rights elevation in latest version?

Post by gdelucce »

I am connected to a customer, which runs sc from a non-admin user in win7 pro. Latest versione of sc. He is not asked to elevate privileges on sc execution, so he does not. I am still able to run admin processes by, for example, right clicking on cmd.exe -> run as administrator. The elevated prompt appears, but I am locked and I cannot click anywhere. How to solve? This situation is very common to me. UAC is disabled by helpdesk.txt. Thanks.
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: rights elevation in latest version?

Post by Rudi De Vos »

You tell do disable UAC, but as the user is not admin and sc is started as the user, sc doesn't have premission to disable UAC.
THis option only allow admins to run without uac popup.

For a normal user you are blocked.
Run as admin and start sc elevated or request the remote user to do the security related action.

Sorry, we can not do somethings that MS forbid with his UAC.
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Re: rights elevation in latest version?

Post by gdelucce »

Thanks again, this sounds reasonable. But now I have faced many times the following situation, which I am able to reproduce on my laptop (win7 home premium, logged in as user which IS member of the administrators group, it is a very common situation because when you buy a pc the first user you create is this kind of user).
1 - run sc. no uac prompt appears
2 - sc is not run as admin, and uac is not disabled
3 - connect to a technician. uac prompt appears, user clicks yes. uac is now disabled
4a - try to run a program, such as regedit, which requires admin privs. Program opens, but technician cannot interact with it. Entire desktop is refreshed if user does something, but technician is in "read only mode" until the program (regedit in this case) is closed. technician cannot even close it.
4b - user closes it. Tech has now control of the pc. Tech tries to re-run the program by selecting "run as admin", nothing changes (uac is still disabled). But tech should be able to work, since he is member of admin group..

1 - run sc by selecting run as admin. uac prompt appears, user allows disabling
2 - connect to technician. no uac popup since it is already disabled
3 - run regedit by double clicking. Everything works as expected, since user is member of admin group and uac is disabled.

Now, case 2 was the way I've worked with sc for years, until last update...how to fix that? thanks in advance for your support.
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: rights elevation in latest version?

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Only way is the start SC with runas admin, just like you did before.

The administrator user is a normal user unless you start it with runas admin. ( Vista>= extra security)
WIthout runas admin, you start SC as normal user and do not have permission even when the user is administrator.
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