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activex dll interface - hide cursor

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activex dll interface - hide cursor

Post by ilebizard »


I inherited a project that uses AXULTRAVNCAXlib. I'm trying to have my viewer hide the cursor. I have an application that drives the cursor on the server side. Is there a service in the AxUltraVncAxObj class that would allow to hide the cursor? When using a standard VNC viewer, we can do this with the option: "Dont show remote cursor", so I figured this should also be possible using the activex interface. Any help welcome.

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Rudi De Vos
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Re: activex dll interface - hide cursor

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Even with ultravnc name in the lib, it isn't made by us.
You should contact the makers of the activeX component to check if they have implemented it.
Sorry, don't now the content of the lib.
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