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UVNC SC - UVNC-Helper - More Than VNC! - Updated July 12TH

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UVNC SC - UVNC-Helper - More Than VNC! - Updated July 12TH

Post by JohnMC »


Hi! First id like to say how thankfull i am for UVNC, its an amazing program and has made VNC a viable option for me...

Ive been a long time AutoIt scripter and i thought i should bring my own variation of the "AutoIt-SC UVNC", i 'try' to run my own part time commputer repair and support buisness, and i always wanted more when it came to remote support. Most importantly i wanted to be able to do simple things easily and without alot of GUI interaction so that things run fast. To do this ive created a sort of UVNC wrapper, its an AutoIT script that has UVNC built into it, it uses and manipulates UVNC in a easy to use manner and adds extra functionality to make simple tasks... simple. AutoIt is an amazing scripting program that can be fun for a beginer and powerfull for an advanced user, check it out at http://autoitscript.com .

About UVNC-Helper:
  • Establishes a reverse connection to a listening viewer
  • Size: ~595KB
  • 100% contained within a single executalbe, no compiling or config files
  • Uses a slimed version of UVNC winvnc.exe (
  • Runs winvnc.exe in service mode or user mode automaticly to maximize stability and to increase Vista UAC support
  • Uses customizable embeded data in the executable to save your host, port and many more options
  • Command system to quickly execute simple tasks without alot of GUI interaction so things are easy on slow connections.
  • Special command "aptget" to download 'application packages from a repository (Mine by default: http://repo.teammc.cc).

Links: Downloads For Version 3.1.5: Known Issues:
--No support for UAC prompts when running as "non-admin"

Future Development:
--Rebuilt UI, more UI options, including graphics (3.2)
--Ability to connect after reboot (3.2)
--Change docking mode on the fly (3.2)
--Video hook implementation (3.2)
--Awareness for what status UVNC is in (3.3)
--AutoIt (3.3)
--Nat2Nat options (3.4)

This program will work with Windows 2000 And later. I have fully tested it on these various VMs: 2000-SP4, XP-SP3, Vista-SP2, Server-2008, 7-RC1. AptGet will not work on windows 2000 at the moment, please comment if you feel this should be changed.

AutoIt Scripts Being Detected As A Virus:
I asure you that this program is not harmfull. This project is opensource and I encourage you to compile it on your own. Read more here: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index ... opic=34658

(7-12-09 -
-Fixed- Description of the embed command
-Fixed- Error on connection when using 'lock' option
-Note- Using UVNC (since
-Added- Embed option "embed" to protect the executable from accessing the embed screen
-Fixed- DSM file wasnt being packed with the executable because of tests i was conducting
-Fixed- Command line -connect not working when ip/port is secified
-Fixed- Having the port included as part of the host field wasnt overriding the number in the port field (aka ports included with friendly names or command line were not working)
-Fixed- Possible coruption in winvnc.exe from reshacking
-Added- Embed option "lock" to prevent editing of host/port 0=allow both 1=lock both 2=lock host only 3=lock port only
-Changed- Multiple host seperator character changed from "," to ";"
-Changed- Changed the way the embed option "site" works, it will now execute a command at the command prompt using the windows cmd.exe "start"
directive, if you specifiy a URL with a prefix thats properly set by your browser like "http://" then this will open it in that default browser
-Changed- New embed/settings dialog and backend.
-Added- Make URL option in embed dialog
-Added- "Save" option in embed window will only update the currenlty loaded settings (many changes are not noticable by doing this)
-Added- Ability to add a non selectable host list item by adding a friendly name with no value, ex: [Please Select A Tech];[John];[--Alternative Techs--];[Allyssa]host2.teammc.cc
-Note- Changes will only be available in the changelog available in the SRC zip, or online documentation, and not in the UVNC-Helper.au3 source itself

Full changelog at http://teammc.cc/uvnc/help
Last edited by JohnMC on 2009-08-02 02:34, edited 60 times in total.
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated 4-12

Post by kayman »

Hi John,

This product looks fantastic ... simple and effective great work.

I tried to run it but couldn't get it to work.

I downloaded the ownerdata and entered my ip info etc and downloaded it on a external pc and ran it (port 5500) and nothing happened. I then tried the std download and entered in my ip / port manually and still nothing.

Do I just need to run VNC in listening mode on my PC and run your app on the remote pc with the correct IP / port 5500 ?
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated 4-12

Post by JohnMC »

sry for the late relpy, ive been moving, and i plan to make some major improvments to this project as soon as im done..

thank you for the positive feed and to answer your question, yes, it only operates for reverse connections right now, soon i hope to change that and even include some nat2nat functionality.

so to get it to work, just run your viewer in listen mode, and make sure you have the ports forwarded/ your firewall open, then use my program on the remote pc
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated 4-12

Post by kayman »

Hi JohnMC,

That is what I had tried.

I used the normal SC and it worked then I tried with yours and I get no connection request? any suggestions?
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated 4-12

Post by lupick »

My antivirus say:

\UVNC-Helper.exe.part\UVNC-Helper.au3 is infected with W32/Autorun.worm.zf.gen Virus


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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated 4-12

Post by JDaus »

lupick wrote:My antivirus say:

\UVNC-Helper.exe.part\UVNC-Helper.au3 is infected with W32/Autorun.worm.zf.gen Virus


try uploading it to novirusthanks.org or totalvirus.com ... some virus scanners still give a false positive on autoit files. try to sbmit the file to you virus scanner provider, and get them to test it again ...[/u]
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated 4-12

Post by JDaus »

I hought I had already replied to this topic, but I guess not ...
JohnMC wrote:Most importantly i wanted to be able to do simple things easily and without alot of GUI interaction so that things run fast.

1. Size: 928KB
2. Runs winvnc.exe in service mode to allow interaction with UAC and for better stability
this is a really good app, and its an awesome idea to add an app-get still system, but I have a few comments ...
  • 1) service mode is awesome, but what if user doesn't have admin rights ???
    2) when you exit the app, its a good idea to delete all files that are extracted during run.
    3) you should consider allowing people to setup their own repository of apps, as frankly, I don't know you, so why should I trust the apps from you (the ones that automatically download and run)
other than these issues, its a great little app, and I look forward to seeing your code :-D

also, take a look in the dowloads section of vnc2Me site for slim versions of the server ... it takes a few hundred Kilobytes off the end file size (after 7 zipping)

great work, keep it up.
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don't ask, and remain a fool for life - JDaus 2003

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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated 4-12

Post by JohnMC »

lupick Here is some information regarding false positives with AutoIt Scripts:
http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index ... opic=34658

kayman Im working on a large update, one feature will be a user enabled debug log, so stand by for this

JDaus Thank you very much for the feed back:
1) Next version will include a "embed" option to change service mode to user mode, im still debating on what should be default, this setting could also be change in the form of a command should you change you mind once the user has already downloaded the program

2) This is a great point, and i will include this for sure, as a note to myself apt-get packages will download into a subdirectory of the temporary folder for the parent aplication to make cleaning easier.

3) Another great point, unless you have a different idea ill make an embed option to change the repository url, and keep my own as default

4) I was looking to make 2 versions of the program, a full and a lite, ill have to look into vnc2Me a bit more, at first glance i asume that VNC2Me.exe is the slim server but are the command line functions the same?

thanks again for the feed back!

Also, ive been very busy with my recent move and other crap but ill be completing the next version very soon.
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated 4-12

Post by JDaus »

JohnMC wrote:apt-get packages will download into a subdirectory of the temporary folder for the parent aplication to make cleaning easier.
its not only downloaded apps, but anything that you move to temp directory (like server exe)
JohnMC wrote:i asume that VNC2Me.exe is the slim server but are the command line functions the same?
VNC2Me is like your app, but secures communication via ssh ... in the downloads/other section, you can find a slimmed down version of the server ... it is the compiled version with java resources removed, tray menu service options removed , and smaller icons (this saves 500+ kb)
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without imperfections, neither you nor i would exist - Steven Hawkins
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated 5-03

Post by kayman »

Thanks John, looking forward to the updates, please let us know when you have had a chance to complete it really looking forward to trialling it.
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated 5-03

Post by JohnMC »

kayman wrote:Thanks John, looking forward to the updates, please let us know when you have had a chance to complete it really looking forward to trialling it.
Hey, i just somehow made the time to update this today, major changes, checkout first post
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated 5-03

Post by kayman »

Thanks John, read the date as 5th March (AU format) instead of 3rd May (US format), will check it out now and test.

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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by JohnMC »

if you still have issues you can download the "beta" its currently the same but has console verbose and file logging enabled
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by kayman »

Hi John,

I tried the new version of the helper and the beta but couldn't get it to work unfortunately. Here is what I'm doing in detail (in case im doing something wrong)

on my machine I am running vncviewer.exe" -listen (latest UVNC
it is listening to port 5500 (Port forwards set correctly and tested with UVNC-SC it works)

on the client machine I have downloaded UVNC-Helper.exe and UVNC-Helper-Beta.exe

when I launched either of them and typed in my IP it would just sit there and after a few seconds the connect button changed to END but then would just sit there.

I tried this by RDP'ing to a client site and then launching your app from there.

When I tried the same thing using the IBM remote connect I managed to get it to connect once using the beta ver but further tries and it wouldnt work again.

here is the log from the beta ver.
13:14:44> Couldnt Get Any Embed Data
13:14:44> Starting GUI Loop
13:14:49> Button 1
13:14:49> ==File Install==
13:14:49> Clearing And Making Temp Directory
13:14:49> Extracting Files
13:14:49> Updating INI File
13:14:49> Service Mode
13:14:49> ==Service Start==
13:14:49> Installing Service
13:14:52> Connecting
13:15:20> Button 1
13:15:20> Killing
13:15:20> ==Service Stop==
13:15:20> Service Stopping
13:15:20> Uninstalling Service
13:15:23> Resetting GUI

also on another note one of the clients sites I tried using it from had redirected folders and was getting this in the log just FYI and dont think it would make a diff to the app anyhow.

13:29:55> Couldnt Get Any Embed Data
13:29:55> Starting GUI Loop
13:30:13> Button 1
13:30:13> ==File Install==
13:30:13> Clearing And Making Temp Directory
13:30:13> Extracting Files
13:30:13> Updating INI File
13:30:13> Service Mode
13:30:13> ==Service Start==
13:30:13> Installing Service'\\server-dc\redirect$\administrator\Desktop'
CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory.
UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory.

13:30:16> Wating For Service To Start
13:30:17> Waiting For Helper
13:30:21> Static Sleep
13:30:23> Connecting'\\server-dc\redirect$\administrator\Desktop'
CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory.
UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory.

Sorry for the long post.
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by JohnMC »

well its trying to operate in 'service mode' so you must have admin privlages, but if i had to guess id say you dont have the privlages to install a service, try confirming that "uvnc_service" exists in the service manager once it says connecting in the console, as for the second client you tried, its hard to say whats going on... what folder are redirected? would the users Temp folder be?

and just to confirm that the program works in user mode try this:

http://teammc.cc/uvnc/?s=embed&file=UVN ... &service=3

one other idea: the program might not be waiting long enough for the service to be installed before it connects, after the console says connecting, try typing in the command box: vnc -connect <host>
just change <host>
Last edited by JohnMC on 2009-05-08 13:17, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by kayman »

Hi JohnMC,

The embedded url you gave me works so I guess user mode works and I tested it on both machines.

I tried your vnc -connect <IP> and had no luck either (screen shot below) dont know why service mode isnt working as the service is installed and running.

And with the folder redirection its the DESKTOP / MY DOCS / APPDATA folder that is redirected. so its strange that the error is coming up as I would think the file is running from the TEMP dir? perhaps the START IN dir is still set to the desktop (where the beta file is run from ?)

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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by JohnMC »

hmm, thanks for continuing to try, i really want this program to succeed.

your absolutly right about the directory issue, i cant pinpoint what step is causing it just by looking, but it doesnt matter because the next version will use AutoIt to install the service instead of winvnc.exe and i hope that fixes it, after that ill just have to tweak the working directory for when winvnc.exe -connect is executed, ive just updated the beta...

Beta Updates:
-Changed- AutoIt installs winvnc.exe as a service instead of it installing itself
-Changed- Service name is now uvnc_service_autoit
-Fixed- Verbose for service install and start timeouts would never display
-Note- Moved functions into main script file
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by kayman »

just tried the new ver.

User mode works fine but service mode still doesnt work.

Here is the log from the beta.
10:00:22> Couldnt Get Any Embed Data
10:00:22> Starting GUI Loop
10:00:40> Button 1
10:00:40> ==File Install==
10:00:40> Clearing And Making Temp Directory
10:00:40> Extracting Files
10:00:40> Updating INI File
10:00:40> Service Mode
10:00:40> ==Service Start==
10:00:40> Installing Service
10:00:43> Starting Service
10:00:44> Wating For Service To Start
10:00:45> Waiting For Helper
10:00:49> Static Sleep
10:00:51> Connecting
10:01:12> Button 1
10:01:12> Killing
10:01:12> ==Service Stop==
10:01:12> Service Stopping
10:01:12> Uninstalling Service
10:01:15> Resetting GUI
the service does come up as uvnc_service_autoit and starts successfully, I also tried running vnc -connect <IP> and nothing happens.
Last edited by kayman on 2009-05-11 00:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by kayman »

here is the log from the client that has folder redirection.
10:09:14> Couldnt Get Any Embed Data
10:09:14> Starting GUI Loop
10:09:16> Button 1
10:09:16> ==File Install==
10:09:16> Clearing And Making Temp Directory
10:09:16> Extracting Files
10:09:16> Updating INI File
10:09:16> Service Mode
10:09:16> ==Service Start==
10:09:16> Installing Service
10:09:16> Starting Service
10:09:16> Wating For Service To Start
10:09:17> Waiting For Helper
10:09:21> Static Sleep
10:09:23> Connecting'\\server-dc\redirect$\administrator\Desktop'
CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory.
UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory.

10:09:32> Button 1
10:09:32> Killing
10:09:32> ==Service Stop==
10:09:32> Service Stopping'\\server-dc\redirect$\administrator\Desktop'
CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory.
UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory.

10:09:32> Uninstalling Service
10:09:37> Resetting GUI
One thing I did notice is when it runs as a service and if I look at task manager I can see winvnc.exe running twice but in usermode it only runs once, could be something to do with that?
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by JohnMC »

im going to keep thinking about this but im starting to consider it might be a bigger issue, i experienced the same issue the other day on my laptop, its a very salty Vista install and i was having some issues with UAC and some other security/user related things, i fixed the promlem by accedent so and now UVNC-Helper works fine.

another idea (that wont work) is to download winvnc.exe put it in a temp directory and create 2 batch files:

file 1 (install.bat):

Code: Select all

winvnc.exe -install
file 2 (connect.bat):

Code: Select all

winvnc.exe -connect x.x.x.x
if that works then ill have a few things to think about thats for sure

it shouldnt, when in service mode, winvnc.exe starts a second "helper" proccess, i dont really know much about why but i know its needed for a connection

let me get back to you, im gona go fix this path issue, should of done this first
Last edited by JohnMC on 2009-05-11 00:21, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by JohnMC »

Beta Update
-Fixed- Working directory when winvnc.exe is executed is now the directory winvnc.exe is in

lets see if this fixes it
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by kayman »

Hey John,

The update above fixed the path issue.

Just noticed something ... I was running the helper from a Remote Desktop session (RDP) on one of the servers I look after.

I tried running it via the IBM RSA card on the same server (emulates as if I am at the console) and it works!!!

So it seems like when you are connected via RDP something strange happens and it wont connect.

I just tested connecting with a friend that has Vista and it worked fine so it looks like it has a issue with RDP.

also after running the batch file how do I remove the service? I tired winvnc.exe -remove but that gives me a popup with cmd useage.
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by JohnMC »

awesome, im gona see if i can reproduce that

winvnc.exe -uninstall
Last edited by JohnMC on 2009-05-11 00:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by JohnMC »

i think its a limitation of uvnc

normaly when the server run as a service and you connect to it you get the local desktop instead of the RDP desktop, as you login you should be disconnected as sessions/desktops change then reconnect again..

but logicly, initiating a reverse connection from within a rdp session would instruct the service to use that users desktop, but i dont think that the system service can access an rdp desktop, it might be a security feature of RDP.

kinda interesting but a totaly ridiculus scenario
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by kayman »

the -uninstall worked thanks.

Yeah I didnt think the RDP would be the problem since VNC SC works fine from a RDP session but I thought to test anyhow.

the standard vnc-sc works beautifully from within a RDP session but I guess thats in User mode? (yours works in usermode fine too).

what are the limiatations when running in user mode rather then service? and is there any why to flick to usermode on the client rather then embedding into URL?
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by JohnMC »

well if you want to edit the embed data localy, use command: embed

i do however plan to make a command to change the mode at the last minute, should be in the next
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by kayman »

Excellent sounds good.

I love your dedication to fixing the bugs and updating new features.

I know I've bugged you allot but whenever you get the chance if you can update the normal version as it seems to be and the beta is and I can start using it for clients to give some more feedback etc ?
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 3rd

Post by Sainsuper »

i thinks that this program is very beautiful,
so i have a question, how can i create own repository?
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 15TH

Post by JohnMC »

Updated! see first post

Sainsuper: ive just added some detail in my first post about that, so let me know if im missing anything
Last edited by JohnMC on 2009-05-15 21:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New UVNC SC - More Then SC! - Updated May 15TH

Post by Sainsuper »

Hi johnMC,
First Thanks for your great application,

i have done some test:
I have created own repository and it works,
I have tested on windows xp and vista and it work,
so i have tried on a machine where there is already installed a ultravnc:
If i use service option 2 (service) or 1 (auto) the connection doesn't established and closing application winvnc becames crazy, it stops and starts cyclically, if i use option 3 (user) there is a message box :"an other instance or winvnc is already running".

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