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Viewer without create server button?

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Posts: 1
Joined: 2007-02-20 21:21
Location: Nebraska USA

Viewer without create server button?

Post by tyronius »

Im not a developer really of any kind so i guess ill start a thread and hope its right or in the right place. I have a couple techs that are really intelligent and could reset the info into the viewer without any problem but a few people that A: i wouldnt trust not to take my customer list and the hard work that we have done to gain those customers and B: dont need the create server button they just need the view/start button. Our setup is basically that we have a 2k3 server running each techs personal repeater. Each tech has their own client/server/repeater setup. Like i said before tho, at least one tech definately does not need the create server button showing he just needs to be able to click start to connect to the repeater and go.... any help there? And does anyone else have a similar situation?
Sorry if this is posted in the wrong area or is double posted
all software is beta.... or vapor ware... trust me.
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