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Simple ideas for improvement

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Posts: 32
Joined: 2007-04-13 10:52

Simple ideas for improvement

Post by swinster »

Hi all,

I have just come across PCHelpWare and it is just what I wanted. I look after a few people computers and have so far been doing this via MSN Remote Assistance which I have found to be a bit of a pain in the arse. I want a REAL SIMPLE way that the end user could initiate a session without to much (preferable no) thinking, and this seem to be it.

I have only use the version available on line and I not that version release is moving forward, but I can't find if these suggestions have been asked for.

1) For the server to not send desktop images.
2) For the view to remember Password set for each connection
3) for a text box to be placed in the viewer that can hold the external IP address/DNS to connect to (instead of having to type it in each time you create a server.
4) Slightly better instructions with regard to creating the customised server version - where exactly so the files from PCHelpware server bin (GUI SC) go? Are they copied into the create_server folder and overwrite other file in there? If so then the creation of the Remote Server no longer is saved into the relevant subfolder in "myservers".

I thought I would post a new thread first before posting to the sticky (about future improvements) as maybe these requests have been asked before and already implemented, but if not. maybe they are simple to add.
Last edited by swinster on 2007-04-13 12:08, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Simple ideas for improvement

Post by mattice06082 »

2) For the view to remember Password set for each connection
As long as the password is 7 characters or less, it will be stored in the PHW-file.
4) Slightly better instructions with regard to creating the customised server version - where exactly so the files from PCHelpware server bin (GUI SC) go? Are they copied into the create_server folder and overwrite other file in there? If so then the creation of the Remote Server no longer is saved into the relevant subfolder in "myservers".
Better instructions are under way.
Posts: 32
Joined: 2007-04-13 10:52

Re: Simple ideas for improvement

Post by swinster »

mattice06082 wrote:
2) For the view to remember Password set for each connection
As long as the password is 7 characters or less, it will be stored in the PHW-file.
Ah, that will be why. I very rarely use passwords less than 8 characters long. I think this is a bit of a silly limit though.
Last edited by swinster on 2007-04-13 23:07, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Simple ideas for improvement

Post by mattice06082 »

I think this is a bit of a silly limit though.
This is a know issue and should be fixed in a subsequent release. It has been identified in [topic=9610]Known Problems with PCHW Rel 1.0[/topic].
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