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I need help with SingleClick / PCHelpWare

Single Click discussions / bugs
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I need help with SingleClick / PCHelpWare

Post by marek_g »

Hello everyone,

I've already read all of the documentation and searched the forum but still can't get SingleClick and PCHelpWare to work.
I have UVNC Repeater with static public IP address running and configured properly and I can successfully connect different computers through it (with installed UVNC Server as a service on them).
I'd like to create an SingleClick .exe file which I could distribute to other people to make their computers automatically connect to my Repeater with specific ID so I can connect to them.
I've already tried the on-line creator as well as offline creator from the PCHelpWare package.
The icon in the taskbar of .exe file created by the on-line creator just disappears two seconds after I run it and nothing happens.
The SC created offline by Create.bat from the PCHelpWare package also doesn't work.
Ofcourse I've edited heldesk.txt in both cases...
Can someone please help me to resolve this problem?
What am I doing wrong when creating custom SC if the Repeater and different computers are connecting properly?
I've deleted all the files from the "custom" folder and left only helpdesk.txt with only one entry: -connect
Thanks in advance.
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: I need help with SingleClick / PCHelpWare

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Repeater 1.2.X is ONLY for winvnc 1.2.0.x.
Older servers don't understand the KEEPALIVE and close connection.
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Joined: 2014-08-31 14:54

Re: I need help with SingleClick / PCHelpWare

Post by marek_g »


Thank you for your reply.
I now that, I use the latest versions both for the Repeater and Server.
The problem was me using the colon after the -id section.
Now it works! :-D
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